Search engines offer a valuable contribution to aiding customers find the restaurants they long for, and now offer a review system to aid in the ranking of such a venue. Even insurance agencies like the good folks at Sutherland-Scherff are utilizing Google Reviews, Bing Reviews, and Yahoo Reviews, and trust me—we’re not the only ones asking customers to become Raving Fans. Take time to visit these sites—is your restaurant listed? Have you been reviewed? Are you addressing any negative feedback you’ve received? Are you thanking customers for their loyalty? No place of business can ignore feedback for long, and the restaurant industry is no different. Digital feedback is just as valid and is now more favored in the customer’s eye than phone calls or written surveys.
We encourage you to keep your restaurant business on the cutting-edge with the best of the tech world at your disposal. We like our clients (past, present, and potential) to be successful business owners, and to that end, we’ve crafted a business partners page to aid in generating inbound traffic to our customers’ businesses. For more information on how to aid in the growth of your business, feel free to call us at 888-424-7044, or visit our Virtual Insurance Office.