If you are beginning to shop around for your child’s first car insurance policy, you’re probably already aware that it’s not unusual for student drivers to pay higher premiums. Young adults and students aged 15-24 are statistically considered a high risk group, especially young males, who almost always pay even higher costs. That said, there are some things you and your child can do to mitigate costs.
The Insurance Family Blog
Susie Scherff
Recent Posts
Is Your Child Starting To Drive? Check Out Our Youth Car Insurance Tips
Posted by Susie Scherff on August 24, 2011 at 9:30 AM
Topics: Auto Insurance, Insurance, Car Insurance
New Legislation: Makes California Roads Safer & Slashes Car Insurance Rates
Posted by Susie Scherff on August 23, 2011 at 9:30 AM
In a recent nationwide survey, industry experts have revealed some intriguing statistics about what Americans think might increase safety on our roads. The majority of us think that the teen demographic poses the most danger on the road. As a result, 60 percent of road users support a national law that would set the minimum standards for a graduated driver’s licensing program, which would hopefully also have an impact on car insurance premiums. Here are a few more findings from the survey:
Topics: Auto Insurance, Insurance, Commercial Auto Insurance
Some Sobering Facts and Enlightening Advice About Home Values in California
Posted by Susie Scherff on August 22, 2011 at 1:12 PM
It’s a depressing prospect: the housing market still hasn’t recovered from the monumental setbacks we experienced a few years back. Meanwhile, the recent slew of storms we experienced over the spring coupled with the prediction of very active hurricane season means insurance rates are on the rise. In high-risk locations, some homeowners are paying as much as a 20% increase in their home insurance rates.
Topics: Building Insurance, Home Insurance
A “Storm From Hell” That California Homeowners Should Be Prepared For
Posted by Susie Scherff on August 19, 2011 at 8:30 AM
California residents can sympathize. Earlier this week, residents of Pawnee County in Oklahoma endured a hellish wildfire that caused at least one death, destroyed 40 homes and did an estimated $20 Million dollars worth of physical damage. The emotional toll from this wildfire is incalculable, and we hope all the homeowners involved had adequate home insurance coverage.
Topics: Fire Insurance, dwelling fire policy
California Life Insurance: Achieve Certainty For Your Loved Ones
Posted by Susie Scherff on August 18, 2011 at 1:38 PM
In life, the only certainties are mortality…and uncertainty. This oxymoronic truth abides with us all. As mature California residents, we understand the natural limits of life. We also know that there are ways to continue to provide for our families after we are gone. After all, it is why we invest in life insurance. It’s an investment in our family’s future.
Topics: Insurance, Life Insurance
Knowing the finer points of what constitutes flood insurance is in your best interest. As the Associated Press recently reported, the California city of Capitola was denied its claim after properties were damaged during an onslaught of two flash floods. It’s crucial to have a complete understanding of the nuances of your policy or policies.
Topics: Business Insurance, Flood Insurance
An Insurance Break For California Earthquake Sufferers
Posted by Susie Scherff on August 16, 2011 at 11:06 AM
There have been some encouraging developments recently concerning the proliferation of earthquake insurance. The California Earthquake Authority stated that they have taken a step toward diversifying their risk, therefore decreasing any concentrated liability on their part. What this means for the average consumer is that there will be a greater availability of affordable policies. In fact, the CEA said that it will reduce rates by 12% beginning January 1, 2012. This is great news in our current economy, where too many families struggle with day-to-day financial uncertainties.
Topics: Building Insurance, Earthquake Insurance
When Fire Strikes, How Can Restaurants Rise From The Ashes?
Posted by Susie Scherff on August 15, 2011 at 8:33 AM
With the very nature of a restaurant business comes the risk of fire. Unfortunately, many restaurants fall victim to fires and can sustain extreme damage and loss. We hear about these events every day in the insurance industry and they only prove how vital the partnership between a restaurant owner and their insurer is.
Topics: Business Insurance, restaurant insurance
How Can California Drivers Get Protection From Uninsured Motorists?
Posted by Susie Scherff on August 12, 2011 at 9:14 AM
Uninsured motorist insurance is a topic that raises a lot of questions. In California, almost one in every three drivers is uninsured or inadequately insured. An uninsured or underinsured motorist causes almost one in every two collisions. In addition to not being properly insured, uninsured motorists tend to drive unsafe cars, neglect maintenance and are found to be the least careful drivers on the road.
Topics: Auto Insurance, Car Insurance
There is a very simply answer to the question, ‘why use a broker?’ And the simple answer is because it makes life easier.
Topics: Business Insurance